East Face of WTC 2
9:21 AM
Maximum inward bowing of approx. 10 in.
(18 min after impact)

East Face of WTC 2
9:53 AM
Maximum inward bowing of approx. 20 in.

East Face of WTC 2
9:58 AM
Inward bowing of perimeter columns seconds before collapse.

South Face of WTC 1
10:23 AM
Max bowing of 55 in.
theories like "9/11 was a controlled demolition" undermine
serious efforts to get foreign policies addressed, for example,
U.S. support for Israel.
were attacked and are still at risk for being attacked again because
of specific foreign policies. Please
donate to help Representative Press get the truth out to the public.
"9/11 was an inside job" websites look like they are
well financed and they are duping many people into not questioning
policies like U.S. support of Israel. Some people may indeed be
deliberately misleading Americans so we won't look at the real
motives for the 9/11 attacks.
We have the mainstream media avoiding dealing with the prime motive
for the 9/11 attack and we have these conspiracy people also not
talking about the prime motive for the 9/11 attack.
We need to raise funds so we can raise our voices so all Americans
can learn the truth: We were not
attacked because of our freedoms and we were not attacked
because the U.S. government engineered it. Anyone who plays
along with these lies is helping special interests protect specific
foreign policies at the expense of the American people. |