WTC Pre-Collapse Bowing Debunks 9/11 "Controlled Demolition" TheoryIndications of the Imminent Collapse
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Quick Guide to Motives for 9/11
Scientists investigating the Sept. 11, 2001
collapse of the twin towers said, "the World Trade Center towers showed
telltale signs they were about to collapse several minutes before
each crumbled to the ground." There
would not be telltale
signs if it was explosives (Controlled Demolition) that
caused the buildings to collapse.
"In the case of the north tower, police chopper pilots reported seeing
the warning signs - an
inward bowing of the building facade - at least eight
minutes before it collapsed at 10:29 a.m." New York Daily News reporter
Paul Shin wrote in his June 19th, 2004 article 9/11
cops saw collapse coming.
"Federal engineering investigators studying the destruction of the World Trade Center's twin towers on Sept. 11 said New York Police Department aviation units reported an inward bowing of the buildings' columns in the minutes before they collapsed, a signal they were about to fall." - NYC Police Saw Sign of Tower Collapse, Study Says
Several minutes before the WTC buildings collapsed, the structures of the buildings were clearly failing and the exterior steel columns could be seen buckling. This simply would not be happening if explosives caused the collapse because explosives don't go off in slow motion for several minutes. Explosives don't slowly buckle steel columns over several minutes.
Obviously, the way an actual controlled explosion happens is the explosives all go off in a matter of seconds. There simply would not be warning signs that the buildings were about to be demolished by explosives, it would of course just suddenly happen. But that is not what happened, the buildings did not suddenly collapse without any indications that they would. Instead, the fires were compromising the structural integrity of the buildings and the buildings' support structures failed. Exterior columns buckled because the fires weakened the floor trusses and the floors sagged. The sagging floors pulled on intact column connections so as the floors sagged down, they pulled the exterior columns inward. This inward bowing of the exterior columns was evident to observers such as the police helicopters circling the towers.
"The NYPD aviation unit reported critical information about the impending collapse of the buildings." They could see that the exterior steel beams of the buildings were bowing. You can see the inward bowing of the steel columns in pictures of both WTC 2, (the first building to collapse) and WTC 1 (the second building to collapse.)
Dr. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for NIST's building and fire safety
investigation into the WTC disaster, said, "While the buildings were able
to withstand the initial impact of the aircraft, the resulting fires that
spread through the towers weakened support columns and floors that
had fireproofing dislodged by the impacts. This eventually led to
collapse as the perimeter columns were pulled inward by the sagging
floors and buckled." "The reason the towers collapsed is because the
fireproofing was dislodged," according to Sunder. If the fireproofing
had remained in place, Sunder said, the fires would have burned out and
moved on without weakening key elements to the point of structural collapse."
- Latest
Findings From NIST World Trade Center Investigation Released
"According to Shyam Sunder, the concave bowing of the steel
was seen on the sides of the towers opposite where the planes
hit them. At 10:06 a.m. that morning, an officer in a police helicopter
reported that ``it's not going to take long before the north tower comes
down.'' This was 20 minutes before it collapsed. In another radio transmission
at 10:21 a.m., the officer said he saw buckling
in the north tower's southern face, Shyam Sunder said."
"The report includes photographs taken from police helicopters
showing the bending columns."
Key findings include:
Read more here
We have an unacceptable risk to our nation because of specific foreign
policies. People who promote these erroneous 9/11 theories undermine efforts
to get the focus on stopping these foreign policies. We must take a serious
look at the
motives for the 9/11 attacks and call for a full review of the specific
foreign policies that motivate terrorists to attack us. I see a lot of
people are spreading this "controlled demolition" theory, I also notice
they don't talk about ending the foreign policies. Please
donate to help Representative Press get the facts out to the people.
False theories like "9/11 was a controlled demolition" or "9/11 was an
inside job" or "The WTC collapsed because of explosives" really screw
up efforts to stop the specific foreign policies that put our nation at
risk. These false theories undermine serious efforts to get foreign policies
addressed, for example, U.S.
support for Israel. I suspect more than a few people pushing these
false theories are very happy to misdirect the American public away from
questioning specific foreign policies like U.S.
support for Israel. (It is the main policy of the
foreign policies that motivated the 9/11 terrorists. The plotter of
9/11, Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed, actually went to school here in the U.S. He was angry
at the U.S. not because of his experiences here as a student, but
rather because of the U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel.)
I am working hard to set the record straight and end the risk of terrorism.
Please Donate to help me get the truth out. Those conspiracy websites
are clearly well funded and like I have said, they misdirect the American
public away from questioning specific foreign polices like U.S. support
for Israel. I need some money to work with to undo the damage these websites
are doing and get the facts to the people. 9/11 was not a game, these
conspiracy theories undermine efforts to get the government to change
the unjust Middle East policies: Please
donate to help Representative Press get the facts out to the people.
Promote the Truth |
False theories like "9/11 was a controlled demolition" undermine serious efforts to get foreign policies addressed, for example, U.S. support for Israel. We were attacked and are still at risk for being attacked again because of specific foreign policies. Please donate to help Representative Press get the truth out to the public. These
"9/11 was an inside job" websites look like they are
well financed and they are duping many people into not questioning
policies like U.S. support of Israel. Some people may indeed be
deliberately misleading Americans so we won't look at the real
motives for the 9/11 attacks. |
Promote the Truth |
The cover story that Bush feeds the American people robs the American people of the chance to decide for themselves if they want to continue to be put in harm's way over specific foreign polices. Lying to the American people about why Americans have been killed is one of the lowest and dirtiest political games a politician can every play. It is an insult your basic dignity to be lied to about why your life is in harm's way. We were attacked and are still at risk for being attacked again because of specific foreign policies. Please donate to help Representative Press get the truth out to the public. |
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